I have a table in postgres having ~2 million records. I need to provide some index on it such that it gives good performance for like %text%
I read somewhere that Gin indexes are good for %text%
searches and so tried Gin and Gist indexes, but don't know why there is no such performance improvement, and Gin index is using sequential scan instead of heap scan.
Here's my Gin index :
CREATE INDEX city_gin_idx_name
ON city
(to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, lower(name::text)));
Query performance:
"Sort (cost=117553.00..118496.71 rows=377482 width=50) (actual time=1719.660..1745.702 rows=35185 loops=1)" " Sort Key: (concat(name, ', ', state_name, ', ', country_name))" " Sort Method: external merge Disk: 2200kB" " -> Seq Scan on city (cost=0.00..56777.75 rows=377482 width=50) (actual time=0.392..1474.559 rows=35185 loops=1)" " Filter: ((lower((name)::text) ~~ '%ed%'::text) OR ((city_metaphone)::text = 'K'::text))" " Rows Removed by Filter: 1851806" "Total runtime: 1764.036 ms"
Please tell me any suitable index for this requirement.
tags) As it is it is not really readable. Or upload it to explain.depesz.com – a_horse_with_no_name