
I've read a number of excellent posts and articles about dynamically binding fields in a custom control, but they have all assumed a document data source.

I want to allow the possibility of a managed bean data source. I tried setting the property type to com.ibm.xsp.model.DataSource or com.ibm.xsp.extlib.model.ObjectDataSource and neither of those work with the following xml:


Where the control is used I have passed in custom data like so:


For my test purpose, I have a managed bean named issue and I called my field Database. I would normally bind to #{issue.Database} but I can't figure out how to do that dynamically. Ideally, I would like to support document data sources as well, but if I can't do both then I need to bind to the managed bean.

Edit: The problem seems to be the array-notation. If I hardcode my value to #{issue.Database} it works but if I hardcode it to #{issue[Database]} it fails. So the question is if there is an alternative representation of dot-notation. I don't have time today, but I wonder if instead of separating dsn and fieldName if I just passed #{issue} into dsn and used that as my data binding would that work? I will try that when I get a chance.

Edit2: As it appears the problem may be related to the bean I'm using, I'll post the code for that here.


public abstract class AbstractMapModel implements Serializable, DataObject {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private Map<Object, Object> values;

    public Class<?> getType(final Object key) {
        Class<?> result = null;
        if (getValues().containsKey(key)) {
            Object value = getValues().get(key);
            if (value != null) {
                result = value.getClass();
        return result;

    protected Map<Object, Object> getValues() {
        if (values == null) {
            values = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
        return values;

    public Object getValue(final Object key) {
        return getValues().get(key);

    public boolean isReadOnly(final Object key) {
        return false;

    public void setValue(final Object key, final Object value) {
        getValues().put(key, value);


public abstract class AbstractDocumentMapModel extends AbstractMapModel {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String unid;

public AbstractDocumentMapModel() {
    String documentId = ExtLibUtil.readParameter(FacesContext
            .getCurrentInstance(), "id");
    if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(documentId)) {

protected abstract String getFormName();

public String getUnid() {
    return unid;

public void setUnid(String unid) {
    this.unid = unid;

public void load(final String unid) {
    Document doc = null;
    try {
        if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(getUnid())) {
            doc = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentDatabase().getDocumentByUNID(
            DominoDocument wrappedDoc = DominoDocument.wrap(doc
                    .getParentDatabase().getFilePath(), // databaseName
                    doc, // Document
                    null, // computeWithForm
                    null, // concurrencyMode
                    false, // allowDeleteDocs
                    null, // saveLinksAs
                    null // webQuerySaveAgent
            for (Object eachItem : doc.getItems()) {
                if (eachItem instanceof Item) {
                    Item item = (Item) eachItem;
                    String itemName = item.getName();
                    if (!("$UpdatedBy".equalsIgnoreCase(itemName) || "$Revisions"
                            .equalsIgnoreCase(itemName))) {
                        setValue(item.getName(), wrappedDoc.getValue(item
    } catch (Throwable t) {
    } finally {

protected boolean postSave() {
    return true;

protected boolean querySave() {
    return true;

public boolean save() {
    boolean result = false;
    if (querySave()) {
        Document doc = null;
        try {
            if (StringUtil.isEmpty(getUnid())) {
                doc = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentDatabase().createDocument();
                doc.replaceItemValue("Form", getFormName());
            } else {
                doc = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentDatabase().getDocumentByUNID(
            for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : getValues().entrySet()) {
                String itemName = entry.getKey().toString();
                doc.replaceItemValue(itemName, DominoUtil
            if (doc.save()) {
                result = postSave();
        } catch (Throwable t) {
        } finally {
    return result;



public class IssueModel extends AbstractDocumentMapModel implements
    Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

protected String getFormName() {
    return "frmIssue";

protected boolean querySave() {
    return super.querySave();

public boolean isReadOnly(final Object key) {
    boolean result = super.isReadOnly(key);
     * Implement read only logic here as follows
     * if ("jobTitle".equalsIgnoreCase((String) key)) { if
     * (!ExtLibUtil.getXspContext().getUser().getRoles().contains("[HR]")) {
     * result = true; } }
    return result;



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <xp:this.styleClass><![CDATA[${javascript:styleClass = "control-label col-" + compositeData.sz + "-" + compositeData.label.columns;
return styleClass;}]]></xp:this.styleClass>
            <xp:this.styleClass><![CDATA[${javascript:styleClass = "col-" + compositeData.sz + "-" + compositeData.input.columns;
return styleClass;}]]></xp:this.styleClass>
                <xp:this.styleClass><![CDATA[${javascript:styleClass = "input-" + compositeData.sz;
return styleClass;}]]></xp:this.styleClass>

Working field in xpage

                styleClass="col-sm-2 control-label"

Not working ccFieldset in xpage

            <xc:fieldset sz="md">
I never tried what you are attempting, but I would suggest that you try using the Custom binding under 'Advanced'. You could also try first setting the compositeDate to a scoped variable and then try to dynamically bind the element.Steve Zavocki
If you have a normal Java bean with getters and setters then fieldName has to be "database". It doesn't work with a capital letter as first character. In my tests I had to use "#" instead of "$" in line value="${compositeData.dsn[compositeData.fieldName]}". But, with both changes your code worked for me.Knut Herrmann
I've used dynamic bindings in custom controls without any problems using this syntax: value="#{compositeData.dataSource[compositeData.fieldName]}". For an example see here: bootstrap4xpages.com/bs4xp/demos.nsf/reusableFields.xsp. BTW: I would never call my field name Database, since there's also a global SSJS object called database. Theoretically it could work, but I like to stay on the safe side.Mark Leusink
@MarkLeusink I just picked Database because that is a field I already have bound and working the conventional. I will try a different one. Part of the issue may be that the bean I'm using for the back end is using AbstractDocumentMapModel and AbstractMapModel which @TimTripcony demonstrated on NotesIn9. Maybe without traditional getters and setters for each property, the binding doesn't work.Gary Forbis

2 Answers


The trick is to hand over a String as parameter that would be the EL you want to use. Let's say you have a parameter bindTo as String with the value myBean.Color


The $ will evaluate first and replace the compositeData with the actual value. The beauty of the approach: works for any EL. Document Bean etc., so your custom control doesn't need to make any assumptions on its container.

So you could call your component with all sorts of bindings:

 <xc:myComponent BindTo="document1.subject"></xc:myComponent>
 <xc:myComponent BindTo="viewScope.someVariable"></xc:myComponent>
 <xc:myComponent BindTo="myBean.Color"></xc:myComponent>

Let us know how that works for you!


Make sure that one of the following is true about the object that you're passing to the Custom Control:

  1. It really is a bean (specifically, follows bean conventions). For example, if you'll be binding to the database property, the object should have (at a minimum) a getDatabase method that returns the current value of the database property; if the property is not read-only, the class should also have a setDatabase method that accepts the new value.
  2. It's a DataObject: your object implements the com.ibm.xsp.model.DataObject interface. The generic getValue and setValue methods this interface requires you to implement will be used to, respectively, retrieve and update values for any property, including database.
  3. It's a Map. Any property name you bind to will be treated as a key for the map.
  4. It's an instance of com.ibm.jscript.types.FBSObject. This is the underlying Java class that all SSJS object literals ({ }) become when the SSJS string is parsed at runtime. Be wary of using this type in managed beans, because these objects are not serializable.

As long as the object you're passing in is one of these four, the EL syntax listed in your question will be valid. Set the property type to be either the actual class name for the object you're passing or a base class it extends (or interface it implements). Or, to ensure it will accept anything, just set the property type to object.

But remember, declaring a class as a managed bean in the faces-config.xml only "manages" a variable name and scope... this declaration doesn't actually make your Java class a bean. Unless it conforms to bean conventions, it's not a bean. If it does conform to bean conventions, it's a bean, whether or not you declare it as a managed bean. This distinction is a source of much confusion in the XPages community, so I just wanted to belabor that again in this context.