
I was wondering if there is a quick way in matlab (pretty sure there is and I just don't know it!) to get all the values of an array at specific indices. Example: If I have an array:

a = [1,3,5,7,9]

and I have my list of indices [2,3], I am looking for a function that will give me back [3,5] which are the values at indices 2,3 in the array 'a'. The straightforward solution is to loop through and index one at a time but I would like to know of a faster more efficient built-in function if one exists.

And as far as I have read, find function only returns the index where a particular value is present. I am looking for the opposite scenario wherein I pass in the indices as a array and all the values present in 'a' at those indices are returned. Any help would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

Matrix indexing is basic MATLAB. Hard to do anything without it...chappjc

1 Answers


Found it! It's as simple as doing a([2,3]) and the required values are returned!