
Have a problem, when i set background in Corona SDK by this code or any other:

local background = display.newRect(0,0, display.contentWidth ,display.contentHeight)
background:setFillColor( 255, 255, 255 )  

(width may be hardcoded), the simulator then show me this image:


One more same picture, if link above is broken


What i do wrong ? Why x,y coordinates wrong ? If i try to put image or text coordinates be wrong too.

One more for those who don't understand question: In this picture we have coordinates left=0, top=0 and text out of display


And here coordinates left=50, top=10, and now we see text, but why left-top corner is not left=0, top=0 ?


Thanks for answers!

in corona graphics 2.0 to set color use values 0 - 1 rather than 0 - 255Lukis
Thank you, but answer not resolve my problemKvazios
Your image link is broken.Colonel Thirty Two
It may be an issue with config.lua. Try to run the code without config.lua. If it works fine, then please post the code inside config.lua.Krishna Raj Salim
Thanks for answer, but nothing change (add 1 more image link if first broken)Kvazios

2 Answers


You are setting the location of the rect to 0, 0 -- and the "anchor point" for that rect is the center of the object. So the rect on the screen as shown is correct -- the center is at 0, 0.

To center the rect on the screen, just modify the x and y properties:

background.x = display.contentCenterX
background.y = display.contentCenterY

That should center the rect on the screen.

Corona SDK used to create objects with a top-left anchor point which then automatically shifted to a center anchor point. Recently that was changed so they're now created with a center anchor point.


You can also use this in your main.lua file

display.setDefault("background", 255, 255, 255, 1)

It will set default background color for all screens.