I have a WIX installer that uses custom actions defined in a WXS file as part of the install process to add setting values into the registry.
I am trying to automate the addition of new settings into the installed by generating the XML used to define the custom actions using a C# app, saving the generated XML into a number of XML files, and then referencing these XML files within the WXS file using the following syntax
<!ENTITY externalCustomActionList SYSTEM "customActionList.xml">
<!ENTITY ExternalPropertyList SYSTEM "customActionPropertyList.xml">
I have discovered through trial and error that Visual Studio will pick up errors in the external XML files and not compile correctly, so I know that when I compile and get an installer built that the XML itself is ok.
The problem is that the custom actions within the external XML file does not get executed when running the installer.
If I paste the generated XML straight into the WXS file the installer runs correctly and as I expect it to.
Is it possible to build up a WIX custom Actions WXS file using XML chunks from external files in this way?
The reason I want to build up the custom actions in this way is to avoid having to change the main WIX files with my little C# app when adding new settings in.