I'm developing a mobile application for iOS related to voice recording.
Due to that fact, I'm developing some different sound effects to modify recorded voice but I have a problem to implement some of them.
I'm trying to create echo/delay effect and I need to transform a byte array into a short array but I have no idea how to do it in Objective-C.
This is my current source code to implement it, but like byte is a very short type, when I apply attenuation (what must return a float value) produce an awful noise in my audio.
- (NSURL *)echo:(NSURL *)input output:(NSURL *)output{
int delay = 50000;
float attenuation = 0.5f;
NSMutableData *audioData = [NSMutableData dataWithContentsOfURL:input];
NSUInteger dataSize = [audioData length] - 44;
NSUInteger audioLength = [audioData length];
NSUInteger newAudioLength = audioLength + delay;
// Copy bytes
Byte *byteData = (Byte*)malloc(audioLength);
memcpy(byteData, [audioData bytes], audioLength);
short *shortData = (short*)malloc(audioLength/2);
// create a new array to store new modify data
Byte *newByteData = (Byte*)malloc(newAudioLength);
newByteData = byteData;
for (int i = 44; i < audioLength - delay; i++)
newByteData[i + delay] += byteData[i] * attenuation;
// Copy bytes in a new NSMutableData
NSMutableData *newAudioData = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:newByteData length:newAudioLength];
// Store in a file
[newAudioData writeToFile:[output path] atomically:YES];
// Set WAV size
[[AudioUtils alloc] setAudioFileSize:output];
return output;