I have a large dataframe with multiple columns representing different variables that were measured for different individuals. The name of the columns always start with a number (e.g. 1:18). I would like to subset the df and create separete dfs for each individual. Here it is an example:
x <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=10,ncol=18))
colnames(x) <- paste(1:18, 'col', sep="")
The column names of my real df is a composition of the Individual ID, the variable name, and the number of the measure (I took 3 measures of each variable). So for instance I have the measure b (body) for individual 1, then in the df I would have 3 columns named: 1b1, 1b2, 1b3. In the end I have 10 different regions (body, head, tail, tail base, dorsum, flank, venter, throat, forearm, leg). So for each individual I have 30 columns (10 regions x 3 measures per region). So I have multiple variables starting with the different numbers and I would like to subset then based on their unique numbers. I tried using grep:
partialName <- 1
df2<- x[,grep(partialName, colnames(x))]
[1] "1col" "2col" "3col" "4col" "5col" "6col" "7col" "8col" "9col" "10col"
"11col" "12col" "13col" "14col" "15col" "16col" "17col" "18col"
My problem here as you can see it doesn't separate the individuals because 1 and 10 are in the subset. In other words this selects everybody that starts with 1. Ultimately what I would like to do is to loop over all my individuals (1:18), creating new dfs for each individual.
and clarify what are you expecting? – llrsmelt
to get the data in long format and then usecolsplit
to split the column names into 2 variables for the individual and the measure. Subsequently you cancast
the data and/orsplit
it as required. – Matt Weller