I am new in Objective C, I am trying to create some 3d models using Cocos3d I found this documentation:
* This CC3Mesh extension adds a number of methods for populating the mesh of
* a mesh programatically to create various parametric shapes and surfaces.
* To use the methods in this extension, instantiate a CC3Mesh, and then invoke one of
* the methods in this extension to populate the mesh vertices.
@interface CC3Mesh (ParametricShapes)
and this is the method I want to invoke:
-(void) populateAsTriangle: (CC3Face) face
withTexCoords: (ccTex2F*) texCoords
andTessellation: (GLuint) divsPerSide;
and now I have this:
NSString *meshName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",
[vertex objectForKey:@"meshName"]];
CC3Mesh *mesh = [[CC3Mesh alloc] initWithName:meshName];
Now, how do I call the method populateAsTriangle from my *mesh object?