I tried to put HelloWorld in a .jar file and running it, but it doesn't work. I created the java file and typed in the program, and then wrote in cmd:
javac HelloWorld.java
java HelloWorld
and it worked. Then I entered
echo Main-Class: HelloWorld >manifest.txt
jar cvfm HelloWorld.jar manifest.txt HelloWorld.class
and got the output
added manifest
adding: HelloWorld.class(in = 426) (out= 288)(deflated 32%)
I then entered
java -jar HelloWorld.jar
and the first line worked, while the second line gave me an error:
Error: Could not find or load main class path\HelloWorld.jar
which is the same output I got (in a rapidly closing window) when I tried to open it with the java.exe file in 64 bit jre7\bin, jdk1.7.0_51\bin, jdk1.7.0_51\jre\bin, as well as 32 bit jre7\bin. I've uninstalled and reinstalled both my jre and jdk and recreated my .class and .jar files, but the problem persists. I'm on win8.
Edit: I tried to do as aetheria suggested, but no luck. I put HelloWorld.java in path\com\stackoverflow\user\blrp, compiled it, and it worked by entering
java com.stackoverflow.user.blrp.HelloWorld
in path. I then created the manifest and jar by:
(echo Manifest-Version: 1.0
echo Class-Path: .
echo Main-Class: com.stackoverflow.user.blrp.HelloWorld) >manifest.txt
jar cvfm HelloWorld.jar manifest.txt com\stackoverflow\user\blrp\HelloWorld.class
and got the output
added manifest
adding: com/stackoverflow/user/blrp/HelloWorld.class(in = 454) (out= 312)(deflat
ed 31%)
but still, java -jar HelloWorld.jar worked and HelloWorld.jar didn't (same error). I also tried not doing the package thing, just the Class-Path in manifest, same result.
(Also, I solved the problem prior to asking the question by use of a .bat file, but it'd still be sweet to get that jar working.)