I am trying to implement an interpreter for a programming language, and ended up stumbling upon a case where I would need to backtrack, but my parser generator (ply, a lex&yacc clone written in Python) does not allow that Here's the rules involved:
'var_access_start : super'
'var_access_start : NAME'
'var_access_name : DOT NAME'
'var_access_idx : OPSQR expression CLSQR'
'''callargs : callargs COMMA expression
| expression
| '''
'var_access_metcall : DOT NAME LPAREN callargs RPAREN'
'''var_access_token : var_access_name
| var_access_idx
| var_access_metcall'''
'''var_access_tokens : var_access_tokens var_access_token
| var_access_token'''
'''fornew_var_access_tokens : var_access_tokens var_access_name
| var_access_tokens var_access_idx
| var_access_name
| var_access_idx'''
'type_varref : var_access_start fornew_var_access_tokens'
'hard_varref : var_access_start var_access_tokens'
'easy_varref : var_access_start'
'varref : easy_varref'
'varref : hard_varref'
'typereference : NAME'
'typereference : type_varref'
'''expression : new typereference LPAREN callargs RPAREN'''
'var_decl_empty : NAME'
'var_decl_value : NAME EQUALS expression'
'''var_decl : var_decl_empty
| var_decl_value'''
'''var_decls : var_decls COMMA var_decl
| var_decl'''
'statement : var var_decls SEMIC'
The error occurs with statements of the form
var x = new SomeGuy.SomeOtherGuy();
where SomeGuy.SomeOtherGuy would be a valid variable that stores a type (types are first class objects) - and that type has a constructor with no arguments
What happens when parsing that expression is that the parser constructs a var_access_start = SomeGuy var_access_metcall = . SomeOtherGuy ( ) and then finds a semicolon and ends in an error state - I would clearly like the parser to backtrack, and try constructing an expression = new typereference(SomeGuy .SomeOtherGuy) LPAREN empty_list RPAREN and then things would work because the ; would match the var statement syntax all right
However, given that PLY does not support backtracking and I definitely do not have enough experience in parser generators to actually implement it myself - is there any change I can make to my grammar to work around the issue?
I have considered using -> instead of . as the "method call" operator, but I would rather not change the language just to appease the parser. Also, I have methods as a form of "variable reference" so you can do myObject.someMethod().aChildOfTheResult[0].doSomeOtherThing(1,2,3).helloWorld() but if the grammar can be reworked to achieve the same effect, that would also work for me