I haven't been able to figure this one out from Google alone. I am connecting to a non-durable EMS topic, which publishes updates to a set of data. If I skip a few updates, it doesn't matter, as the following update will overwrite it anyway.
The number of messages being published on the EMS topic is quite high, and occasionally for whatever reason the consumer lags behind. Is there a way, on the client connection side, to determine a 'time to live' for messages? I know there is on other brokers, but specifically on Tibco I have been unable to figure out whether it's possible or not, only that this parameter can definitely be set on the server side for all clients (this is not an option for me).
I am creating my connection factory and then creating an Apache Camel jms endpoint with the following code:
TibjmsConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new TibjmsConnectionFactory();
JmsComponent emsComponent = JmsComponent.jmsComponent(connectionFactory);
emsComponent.setClientId("MyClient." + ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName() + "." + emsConnectionNumber.getAndIncrement());
return emsComponent;
I am using tibjms-6.0.1, tibjmsufo-6.0.1, and various other tib***-6.0.1.