I'm working on a .NET 4.0/Silverlight 5.0 solution and I want to use SignalR to send push notifications from server to client.
I tried to install the latest version of the SignalR server (2.0.2) via Nuget but I get an error regarding Owin 2.0 (which obviously targets .NET 4.5 and is not compatible with .NET 4.0).
So I tried an older version (SignalR 1.2.0) but that one does not play along with the Silverlight client (0.5.0).
I get an exception that says "Incompatible protocol version" (without stating which version I'm using and which is excepted).
I couldn't find a list of server and Silverlight client packages that work together.
Can someone point me to the latest versions of a client for Silverlight 5.0 and a server package for .NET 4.0?
Help is much appreciated!