I am trying to integrate Perforce into IntelliJ. I have successfully done this in the past but on my new machine I am unsuccessful.
I am using p4v client. I have this client connected to my Perforce Server and I am able to check out code, etc. through it.
I have two problems that may shed light on the issue.
- There is no Test Connection button on the Preferences -> Version Control -> Perforce page.
- In the Preferences -> Version Control -> Perforce page I have set the location to my p4v client in my Applications directory. Path to p4 executable: p4 (I have also tried this as a blank text box as well) Path to pv4 executable: /Applications/p4v.app/Contents/MacOS/pv4
I have simply put "p4" in the p4 client text field. This is how I had my old environment set up. I have also tried leaving the command line p4 client text box blank as well. When I try to connect I get the error:
Cannot Connect to the Perforce Server
Cannot run program "p4" (in directory "...")
The reported directory is the location of the Project on my local machine. Not sure why it is trying to look in my IntelliJ project root directory for the p4 client. Additionally, I have specified no path to the p4 command line client and explicitly set the path to my p4v client so I am not sure why IntelliJ is trying to use p4 command line client at all. Additionally, I went ahead and downloaded the p4 command line client and put it in /usr/local/bin and still IntelliJ tried to grab the p4 client from my project's root directory. I verified that /usr/local/bin is on my PATH.
It seems like a bug in IntelliJ unless I am missing something which is a distinct possibility.