
I already know from asking here that I can have SignalR in a plain old Windows Service. I want to communicate between that Windows Service as a SignalR Client and a ASP.NET MVC SignalR Server. I used this hubs guide, It said

Server code that specifies the URL

app.MapSignalR("/signalr", new HubConfiguration());

If I do that, where will the messages go? What is the hub when you do new HubConfiguration?

It says I can connect with

NET client code that specifies the URL
 var hubConnection = new HubConnection("http://contoso.com/signalr", useDefaultUrl: false);

I'll have that in my Windows Server but if I send text to http://myserver.com/signalr on the server, how do I get it? What hub?

Also where best to put this in the Windows service? An example would be great!


4 Answers


This solves the problem

On the client (Windows Service):

protected override async void OnStart(string[] args)
            eventLog1.WriteEntry("In OnStart");
                var hubConnection = new HubConnection("http://www.savitassa.com/signalr", useDefaultUrl: false);
                IHubProxy alphaProxy = hubConnection.CreateHubProxy("AlphaHub");

                await hubConnection.Start();

                await alphaProxy.Invoke("Hello", "Message from Service");
            catch (Exception ex)

On the server:

public class AlphaHub : Hub
        public void Hello(string message)
            // We got the string from the Windows Service 
            // using SignalR. Now need to send to the clients

            // Send message to Windows Service


I think I don't understand exactly what you want.

  • Option A:

** Signal R. Server: Hosted as a Windows Service

** Signal R. Client: ASP.NET MVC Application.

  • Option B

** Signal R. Server: ASP.NET MVC Application.

** Signal R. Client: Windows Service

If what you need is Option A. You might want to take a look at "Signal R Self-Host Tutorial" If what you need is Option B. You need to create a .Net Signal R Client in the Windows Service. Please check out this tutorial on how to do so.

Regardless of your hosting type each hub has a unique name which you need to use when establishing the connection.


I'll have that in my Windows Server but if I send text to http://myserver.com/signalr on the server, how do I get it? What hub?

Signal R is an abstraction of realtime dual channel communication, so it really depends on the setup of your Hub.


Also where best to put this in the Windows service? An example would be great!

I would say, go simple and start by declaring a Singleton to start.

Hope it helps.


Lets say you have the following code.

        var _connection = new HubConnection("http://localhost:61194/signalr");
        var _myHub = _connection.CreateHubProxy("MyHub");

You can create as many proxies that you have in the server. Then you can invoke the server method in following ways.

         _myHub.On<string>("recieved", data =>
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("DATA : " + data);

You can put these code in the Windows Service method call which gets invoked from the timer or in the method which gets fired as per schedule.