I have a simple List inside a container that I would like to see refreshed with new items when it is activated.
In my controller, I have an event for this:
onActivate: function() {
var that = this;
var store = this.getApprovalRequestsStore();
store.getProxy().setUrl('http://mobile-approvals-services.example.com/'+ Global.approvalsListUri + Approvals.app.user);
callback: function (records, model) {
And in my list, I have a tpl for the items that come back from the store (verified I have items coming back from store at break point above), yet no items are shown:
Ext.define('Approvals.view.approvals.List', {
extend: 'Ext.List',
xtype: 'approvalsList',
config: {
itemId: 'ApprovalsList',
store: 'ApprovalRequests',
itemHeight: 70,
variableHeights: false,
pressedDelay: 0,
emptyText: "<div>No Approvals Found</div>",
loadingText: "Loading...",
onItemDisclosure: false,
itemTpl: '<div class="listView">Request For: {requestedFor}</div>',...
Is there something flawed in my approach?