I have a program I want to parallelize using MPI. I have not worked with MPI before.
The program calculates the behavior for a large numer of objects over time. The data of
these objects is stored in arrays, e.g. double precision :: body_x(10000)
for the x coordinate.
To calculate the behavior of an object the information about all other objects is needed, so every thread needs to hold all data but will only update a portion of it. But before the new timestep every thread needs to get the information from all other threads.
As I understand MPI_Allgather
could be used for this, but it needs a send buffer and a
recive buffer. How can I synchronize an array over different threads if each thread updated
a different part of the array? Do I have to send the whole array from each thread to the
master in a recive buffer, update the specific part of the masters array and after all
threads have sent their data re-broadcast from the master?
This is a pretty basic question, but I'm very new to MPI and all examples I found are pretty simple and do not cover this. Thanks for any help.
Pseudo-Example (assuming Fortran-Style vectors with first index 1): (Yes the send/recive would better be done non-blocking, this is for the sake of simplicity)
if (master) then
end if
allocate body_arrays(numberOfObjects)
if (master) then
fill body_arrays ! with the data from the input file
end if
objectsPerThread = numberOfObjects / threadCount
myStart = threadID * objectsPerThread + 1
myEnd = (threadID + 1) * objectsPerThread
do while (t < t_end)
do i = myStart, myEnd
do stuff for body_arrays(i)
end do
! here is the question
if (.not. master)
MPI_Send(body_arrays, toMaster)
do i = 1, threadCount - 1
MPI_Recive(body_arrays_recive, senderID)
body_arrays(senderID*objectsPerThread+1, (senderId+1)*objectsPerThread) = body_arrays_recive(senderID*objectsPerThread+1, (senderId+1)*objectsPerThread)
end if
! ----
t = t + dt
end do