I have an Excel sheet where the user can enter data into several cells. I want this data to be treated as strings, regardless if the user enters something as "Hello" or "123" or "12.12.2012".
I could partially resolve this issue by formatting the input cells as "Text". But now if the user enters a number such as "123" or a string that looks like a date ("12.12.2012"), it appears with a small green rectangle and Excel says that the number is stored as text, but that's exactly what I want. Same thing with the text "1.2.90" in cell A5 which is seen by Excel as "date stored as text". The text "AA" in cell A4 is OK.
When I click on the exclamation mark icon, I can choose to ignore the "error", which removes the green triangle, but as soon as I change the content of the cell by putting another number, the green triangle appears again.
Green field are formatted as "Text"
Is there any way to force Excel to leave the data entered as string ?