
I am having the hardest trouble trying to run SWI-prolog on my Mac.

When I type:


I get an error saying:

/opt/local/bin/swipl: No such file or directory

When I just type "swipl" I get:

swipl: command not found

I've tried this on both terminal and XQuartz. I've even gone into


to see if that would do anything, however the prolog "Welcome" text never appears. Quite possibly the closest I ever got it to work was when I typed "pl" when inside the MacOS folder. However I was left with my terminal doing nothing and had to use Crtl-D.

Is there something I'm doing wrong? Did I install something incorrectly?

I'm running on a Mac OS X 10.9.1 Mavericks. I placed the SWI-Prolog application into my application folder and I also downloaded XQuartz per recommendation by the website.

what version of SWI are you working with?Shon
Also, have you tried adding /Applications/SWI-Prolog.app/Contents/MacOs to your PATH? I believe this is what I have done, since the swipl executable is located therein.Shon

6 Answers


If you have Homebrew installed, you can simply run

brew install swi-prolog

from Terminal, which will build it from source in one command.

You can then run the interpreter using swipl.


There are three sensible ways of installing SWI-Prolog on MacOS X, in increasing order of complexity:

  1. Download the SWI-Prolog application. In this case, you just download a disk image, open it, and drag the application to your disk (e.g. to your Applications folder. You use the application as any other application by double-clicking on its icon. If you want to also use the binary inside the application bundle, add the Contents/MacOS directory inside it to your system path (for example, assuming that you copied the SWI-Prolog application to your applications folder, do export PATH=/Applications/SWI-Prolog.app/Contents/MacOS:$PATH in your shell configuration file).

  2. Using MacPorts. Assuming it's installed and up-to-date, simply type either sudo port install swi-prolog for the stable version or sudo port install swi-prolog-devel for the development version. Replace sudo port install by sudo port -u upgrade when upgrading the installed version. It you're already using MacPorts, then /opt/local/bin should already be in your system path. Type echo $PATH in a Terminal window to check.

  3. Compiling from sources. In this case, download the source archive, uncompress it, and follow the instructions in the README.MacOSX file.


The OSX EI Captian has this command for swi-prolog installation

brew install homebrew/x11/swi-prolog

If you download the SWI-Prolog application into your /Applications folder, then add this to your .bash_profile:

export PATH="/Applications/SWI-Prolog.app/Contents/MacOS:$PATH"

The swipl binary lives in that MacOS directory. (Don't forget to source ~/.bash_profile after)


Homebrew has moved swi-prolog to the top a few days ago and because of this, the other answers are not valid anymore. The reason for that: the swi-prolog formula was located in the x11 bottle but the x11 dependency is only optional.

As of today, to install swi-prolog with homebrew, simply do:

brew install swi-prolog

If you've installed it from the x11 bottle before, consider to uninstall an reinstall from the new location. Otherwise you might run into errors when updating/upgrading.


There's now a handy docker image.