I am dealing with Magento for a while and i find it very interesting and probably my future choice of work tool. Though i have some troubles understanding some of the stuff going on. If i call www.store.com/catalog/product/view/id/2 then the product controller executes from the catalog core module, in it the product is being fetched via _initProduct() method first in which this event is being dispatched:
Mage::dispatchEvent('catalog_controller_product_init_before', array('controller_action'=>$this));. Which class/method is being called? As i understood that should be a method from observer class which is under Model folder and it should be defined in the etc/config.xml file. Some of the events defined in the config.xml are executed automatically... (why?) where is defined the one used in the viewAction() from the ProductController.php in Catalog module? How i can send and use array data to the observer's methods, cause i saw some of them contains this method: Mage::app()->reinitStores() which re-inits store, group and website collections and it's not something simple. I find this very powerful and i really want to know the posibilities with using Observers and Events.