
I'm writing code to configure the serial port on a pic32 family device. The initialization appears to work for the most part, but I get garbage data in place of the first 6 characters that I write. I noticed, however, that if I add an arbitrarily long wait at the end of the initialization function, this goes away. Is there some register flag that I need to be waiting on at the end of my initialization? My initialization code is below. If it helps, I am basing this initialization off of the UART section in the pic32 reference manual. I added the code below for my transmission function as well. My expected output string is "Hello from the bootloader code.\r\n" but the actual bytes I get are:

00000000  00 00 aa b1 b1 bd 81 66  72 6f 6d 20 74 68 65 20  |.......from the |
00000010  62 6f 6f 74 6c 6f 61 64  65 72 20 63 6f 64 65 2e  |bootloader code.|
00000020  0d 0a

void initializeUART2()
    uint32 counter;
    initialized = TRUE;
    U2MODE = 0;
    U2STA = 0;
    U2BRG = 0;

    IEC1bits.U2TXIE = 0;
    IEC1bits.U2RXIE = 0;
    IEC1bits.U2EIE = 0;

    //disable UART transmission before config

    //disable UART before config

    RS232_RS485_TRIS=0; //set to output
    RS232_RS485=0; //select RS-232 mode on MAX3161

    //set baudrate BAUDRATE = CLOCK_FREQUENCY/(16*(U2BRG + 1))
    //solve for U2BRG value

    //set mode to 8 bit no parity

    //set number of stop bits to 1

    //enable the UART port

    //enable serial transmission

    //without this loop, I get garbage in first 6 bytes of my first message
    counter = 1000;

void putUART2(uint32 value)

    //make sure value is in range of writable values
    value &= UINT32_MASK(8);

    //clear transmit interrupt flag
    IFS1bits.U2TXIF = 0;

    //wait for the transmit buffer to be empty
    while((U2STA & UART_TRANSMIT_STATUS_FLAG) == 0);

    //set the data byte to be written in the write register
    //also starts transmission
    U2TXREG = value;

    //wait for the transmit buffer to be empty
    //both of these waits are necessary to avoid missing bytes
    while((U2STA & UART_TRANSMIT_STATUS_FLAG) == 0);
The fact that a spin-loop is all you need to stabilize your data should immediate be the red-flag that some kind of rampup or pull up-pull down settling is going on.RufusVS

2 Answers


The MAX3161 needs at least 100 ns to stabilize after switching modes to RS232.

Also, these lines:

RS232_RS485_TRIS=0; //set to output
RS232_RS485=0; //select RS-232 mode on MAX3161

should be reversed; set the output, then the direction register to avoid glitches.


Suspect the MAX3161 chip, which has charge pumps, needs the additional time to reach stable operating voltages.

It may be only for a bit time or 2, but if a message is sent too early, the serial output is messed until a quiet time occurs.

Lesser candidate: problem is an interaction between this and the unposted send routine.

Note: It's amazing how seeing using info like the unposted "garbage data" may help. Also knowing what the "good" first 6 bytes or so is useful.

[Edit] @Doug Currie is on the right track.

When RS232_RS485_TRIS1 is changed to output, a delay time as he suggest is needed before data is sent. This applies here as well as other place in code.

Further, before RS232_RS485_TRIS1 is changed to input, code needs to insure all the data is completely transmitted. This may be a 10/baud after the the PIC declares the xmit buffer empty. Or check the proper xmit status bit before turning the bus around. (Shift Register empty - names vary depending on compiler.)