I have written a query in Access 2007 to find the position of a string and then output said string. I have achieved this by first finding the starting position of "99" using Instr
, then I use this result with Mid
to extract the required string length.
The problem I have is when the result of Instr
is "0" the Mid
function will output #Error. I am trying to find a way to replace any instance of #Error with NULL
Sample Data:
111111 - 99222222 test line number 1
222222 - 94444444 test line number 2
333333 - test line number 3 99888888
444444 - test line number 4 95555555
Mid ([A].[TotalRef], Pos,8) AS Acc,
InStr(9,[A].[TotalRef],"99")AS Pos
Actual result:
TotalRef | Acc | Pos
111111 - 99222222 test line number 1 | 99222222 | 10
222222 - 94444444 test line number 2 | #Error | 0
333333 - test line number 3 99888888 | 99888888 | 29
444444 - test line number 4 95555555 | #Error | 0
Required result:
TotalRef | Acc | Pos
111111 - 99222222 test line number 1 | 99222222 | 10
222222 - 94444444 test line number 2 | NULL | 0
333333 - test line number 3 99888888 | 99888888 | 29
444444 - test line number 4 95555555 | NULL | 0
I have tried using IIF with no luck and have been unable to find a solution on here or with google. Any assistance with this problem would be greatly appreciated.