I have been asked to create a Lotus Notes form that looks exactly like a document created in MS Word. Most of it has been pretty straightforward, however, I am not having any luck adding a page border to the document.
We're on Lotus Notes 8.52 and the form will only be viewed internally, and only through the Notes client, so no need to worry about other mail clients or web access.
What I have tried: 1) I created an image and used it as the background on the form. It looked awful on the screen and would not print. 2) I created a stylesheet (css) with the page border defined. However, this caused every part of the document to have its own border, not the whole page.
I've checked the archives here as well as notes.net, and I guess I am on the only person either not clever enough to figure it out on my own or to talk my users out of it.