
I choose from dropdown menu an item and click add => ajax call a method which return JsonResult this is all ok. Then this data should be send to another function PartialViewResult on server side: public PartialViewResult _SkupinaRow(skupinaRow skupinaRow), which generate a new tr with some textbox and labels. My problem is that no binding is made. I get Null when debuggin in _SkupinaRow(skupinaRow skupinaRow)

I have the following domain model defined:

  public class skupinaRow

   public BONUSMALUS bonusmalus { get; set; } //items 
   public KOLEDAR koledar { get; set; } //calendar


Partial View:

 @model ObracunPlac.ViewModel.skupinaRow

 @Html.HiddenFor(x => x.bonusmalus.bon_id)


Partial view code:

  public PartialViewResult _SkupinaRow(skupinaRow skupinaRow)
        return PartialView("_SkupinaRow", skupinaRow);

Ajax Call:

    $("#addItemPrihodki").live("click", function () {

    var id = $("#prihodkidodaj option:selected").val()

    var skupinaRow = {

    jQuery.getJSON("/Placa/getBonusMalus/?id=" + id, function (data) {
    console.log("JSON Data: " + data.koledar.kol_id);

        skupinaRow.koledar.kol_id = data.koledar.kol_id,  //ok

        skupinaRow.bonusmalus.bon_id = data.bonusmalus.bon_id,  //ok

        //alert(JSON.stringify(GetBonusMalusModel($("#bonusdodaj option:selected").val())));
       // alert(skupinaRow.serialize());

            url: "../_skupinaRow",
            cache: false,
            data: JSON.stringify(skupinaRow),
            //data: JSON.stringify(data),
            datatype: JSON,
            success: function (html) {
                $("#editorRowPrihodki table tr#dodajNov").before(html);
            error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
               alert('error'+"+++"+textStatus+"--- "+errorThrown);      



    return false;

    public JsonResult getBonusMalus(int id)

    KOLEDAR koledar = db.KOLEDAR.Single(r => r.kol_id == KoledarID); 
    BONUSMALUS bm = db.BONUSMALUS.Single(r => r.bon_id == id);
    skupinaRow model = new skupinaRow
    koledar =koledar,
    bonusmalus = bm           

    // return Json result using LINQ to SQL 

    return new JsonResult
        JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet,
        Data = model

Debug picture: https://www.dropbox.com/s/189q080irp0ny77/1.jpg

This worked when i had one model bonusmalus but now I ned two so I created modelView.

How can I bind ViewModel-SkupinaRow to Partial View with strong type SkupinaRow ?


1 Answers


If you are using AJAX only to convert he value to json? then you can use this approach

Set the form with normal post back to Action in controller

use jQuery in your view and on submit of form write this.


Now you can use this in your Action Method.