I choose from dropdown menu an item and click add => ajax call a method which return JsonResult this is all ok. Then this data should be send to another function PartialViewResult on server side: public PartialViewResult _SkupinaRow(skupinaRow skupinaRow), which generate a new tr with some textbox and labels. My problem is that no binding is made. I get Null when debuggin in _SkupinaRow(skupinaRow skupinaRow)
I have the following domain model defined:
public class skupinaRow
public BONUSMALUS bonusmalus { get; set; } //items
public KOLEDAR koledar { get; set; } //calendar
Partial View:
@model ObracunPlac.ViewModel.skupinaRow
@Html.HiddenFor(x => x.bonusmalus.bon_id)
Partial view code:
public PartialViewResult _SkupinaRow(skupinaRow skupinaRow)
return PartialView("_SkupinaRow", skupinaRow);
Ajax Call:
$("#addItemPrihodki").live("click", function () {
var id = $("#prihodkidodaj option:selected").val()
var skupinaRow = {
jQuery.getJSON("/Placa/getBonusMalus/?id=" + id, function (data) {
console.log("JSON Data: " + data.koledar.kol_id);
skupinaRow.koledar.kol_id = data.koledar.kol_id, //ok
skupinaRow.bonusmalus.bon_id = data.bonusmalus.bon_id, //ok
//alert(JSON.stringify(GetBonusMalusModel($("#bonusdodaj option:selected").val())));
// alert(skupinaRow.serialize());
url: "../_skupinaRow",
cache: false,
data: JSON.stringify(skupinaRow),
//data: JSON.stringify(data),
datatype: JSON,
success: function (html) {
$("#editorRowPrihodki table tr#dodajNov").before(html);
error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert('error'+"+++"+textStatus+"--- "+errorThrown);
return false;
public JsonResult getBonusMalus(int id)
KOLEDAR koledar = db.KOLEDAR.Single(r => r.kol_id == KoledarID);
BONUSMALUS bm = db.BONUSMALUS.Single(r => r.bon_id == id);
skupinaRow model = new skupinaRow
koledar =koledar,
bonusmalus = bm
// return Json result using LINQ to SQL
return new JsonResult
JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet,
Data = model
Debug picture: https://www.dropbox.com/s/189q080irp0ny77/1.jpg
This worked when i had one model bonusmalus but now I ned two so I created modelView.
How can I bind ViewModel-SkupinaRow to Partial View with strong type SkupinaRow ?