
I have a main report with 20 sub reports. Main report and sub reports all use stored procedures.

In my main report, the parameters are @startdate and @enddate. In one of my sub reports, the stored procedure has an @enddate parameter, I am trying to link the @enddate parameter in my main report to the @enddate parameter in my sub report. I cant seem to do this with out crystal prompting me to enter the sub report enddate separately.

Any ideas?


1 Answers


You will need to manually connect the @enddate parameter in the main report to each one in the subreport--there isn't a wizard or easier way to do this in CR. Steps:

  • right click a subreport
  • select 'change subreport links...'
  • select the `@enddate1 parameter from the Available Fields list and move it to the Field to link to list
  • choose @enddate from subreport parameter field to use
  • click OK
  • repeat for each subreport

If you are handy with the SDK, you could do this in code.