I'm trying to implement a ground fog shader for my terrain rendering engine. The technique is described in this article: http://www.iquilezles.org/www/articles/fog/fog.htm
The idea is to consider the ray going from the camera to the fragment and integrate the fog density function along this ray.
Here's my shader code:
#version 330 core
in vec2 UV;
in vec3 posw;
out vec3 color;
uniform sampler2D tex;
uniform vec3 ambientLightColor;
uniform vec3 camPos;
const vec3 FogBaseColor = vec3(1., 1., 1.);
void main()
vec3 light = ambientLightColor;
vec TexBaseColor = texture(tex,UV).rgb;
vec3 camFrag = posw - camPos;
float distance = length(camFrag);
float a = 0.02;
float b = 0.01;
float fogAmount = a * exp(-camPos.z*b) * ( 1.0-exp( -distance*camFrag.z*b ) ) / (b*camFrag.z);
color = mix( light*TexBaseColor, light*FogBaseColor, fogAmount );
The first thing is that I don't understand how to choose a and b and what are their physical role in the fog density function.
Then, the result is not what I expect… I have a ground fog but the transition of fogAmount from 0 to 1 is always centered at the camera altitude. I've tried a lot of different a and b but when I don't have a transition at camera altitude, I either have a full fogged or not fogged at all terrain.
I checked the data I use and everything's correct:
- camPos.z is the altitude of my camera
- camFrag.z is the vertical component of the vector going from the camera to the fragment
I can't get to understand what part of the equation cause this.
Any idea about this ?