
Here's my folder structure:

enter image description here

And this is the message I get when I navigate to joomla/dev/v01/index.php?option=com_helloworld

enter image description here

What am I doing wrong?

Where's your xml file? Where's you controller? Where's your modal? Have you read the tutorial on the Joomla docs on how to create a basic Hello World component?Lodder
@Lodder This is the doc I'm starting with: docs.joomla.org/J3.2:Developing_a_MVC_Component/… Is there a tutorial I should go through first?Aakil Fernandes
This is the correct link but if you scroll down to where it says **Packaging an installation zip file **, you will see all the requires files that are needed to successfully install a basic component.Lodder
@Lodder So index.php?option=com_helloworld shouldn't actually show anything until the component is installed?Aakil Fernandes

2 Answers


You must register your component in the table #__extensions

You can do this manually:

INSERT INTO #__extensions 
(`name`, `type`, `element`, `client_id`, `access`, `manifest_cache`, `params`) 
('com_helloword', 'component', 'com_helloword', 1, 0, '{"name":"com_helloword","type":"component","creationDate":"2014-02-01","author":"Me","copyright":"Copyright (C) 2014. All rights reserved.","authorEmail":"[email protected]","authorUrl":"http:\\/\\/http:\\/\\/www.mysite.com.br\\/","version":"1.0.0","description":"","group":""}', '{}');

or you can create the standard xml installation...


Create proper XML file with component details and use system Discover option to install component. Its easiest way and doesn't require to mess in the database. Here is example of an component xml file. Here you can find a whole tutorial on creating Joomla! components.