
I am trying to install Grunt (on Windows).

The documentation (http://gruntjs.com/getting-started) says to install grunt-cli and explains that this is not the Grunt task runner but just the program to allow the grunt command to be run from any folder. Ok. Fine. I've done that. My next question is; how to install the Grunt task runner. The implication of the docs is that this will be installed locally in my project directory.

How do I do that?

The project already has a Gruntfile.js and a package.json & works on another machine. I'm just trying to get it run locally.

Specifically I get this message:

"... a Gruntfile wasn't found or Grunt hasn't been installed locally to your project"


--Justin Wyllie


1 Answers


npm install --save-dev grunt to install it just like any module and add it to your package.json file as a development dependency.

grunt may also already be listed as a dependency, in which case you may just need to run npm install to install all dependencies.