
I want to use libsndfile library in a Qt project, then I need to link it but I always get an error :

    main.cpp:129: error : undefined reference to `sf_open'
    main.cpp:137: error : undefined reference to `sf_write_short'

I tried to add these lines to my .pro

1) INCLUDEPATH += C:/libsndfile/include LIBS += -LC:/libsndfile/lib/libsndfile-1.lib

2) INCLUDEPATH += C:/libsndfile/include/ LIBS += C:/libsndfile/lib/libsndfile-1.lib

3) win32:CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../../../../../libsndfile/lib/ -llibsndfile-1

INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../../../../../libsndfile/include DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../../../../../../libsndfile/include

win32:CONFIG(release, debug|release): PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$PWD/../../../../../../libsndfile/lib/libsndfile-1.lib

Can you help me ,please, to link sndfile library correctly?


1 Answers

LIBS+= -L<PATH TO DIR WITH DLL> -lsndfile-1

For example:

LIBS+= -LC:/sndfile -lsndfile-1

Of course the library itself must be compiled with the compiler you use (mingw?). Don't try to use VS-compiled library with MinGW and vice versa.