
Actually , I want to run the app which are not in the current project directory. Is it possible to run another app if i give a path to that folder. Currently i have a project directory PROJECT, under it there is manage.py and PROJECT--->settings.py,urls.py.

And I have an another app running at other directory, for example plugins-->App1, App2. What i want, when i start the server in PROJECT directory. I want to dynamically configured the settings.py and urls.py of the current project, so that i can run other apps. If some one know how to deal with this type of problem please help me.

I have done it using the sys.path.insert(0,'your path').live_alone

1 Answers


Yes, you can. The path to your app in INSTALLED_APPS is any valid python path.

A tuple of strings designating all applications that are enabled in this Django installation. Each string should be a dotted Python path to:

an application configuration class, or a package containing a application.

Docs: link