
I'm try to create a macro to set the language of the selection in an outlook email.

I have little experience in VBA scripting.

I copied the Macro I recorded in Word into my Macro-Table for Outlook (or project, or module, I'm not sure how it is named)

Sub SelectionEnglish()
    Selection.LanguageID = wdEnglishUS
    Selection.NoProofing = False
    Application.CheckLanguage = True
End Sub

This doesn't work because the Selection object is not available. But I saw another question (which I can't find anymore) where the macro author had a way to use the word-editor inside the outlook macro.

what do you mean by selection? is it an email? or are you selecting something in the email body?L42
Yes, a text selection in the email bodytjb

1 Answers


Yes, a text selection in the email body – tjb 21 mins ago

Try this (To be run from Outlook VBA) Tried and tested on a newly created email. This code shows how to work with the Selection Object

Sub Sample()
    Dim oMailItm As Object, oInsp As Object, oMailEd As Object
    Dim oWord As Object, rng As Object

    Set oInsp = Application.ActiveInspector

    If oInsp.CurrentItem.Class = olMail Then
        Set oMailItm = oInsp.CurrentItem
        If oInsp.EditorType = olEditorWord Then
            Set oMailEd = oMailItm.GetInspector.WordEditor
            Set oWord = oMailEd.Application

            '~~> Set your selection object here
            Set rng = oWord.Selection

            '~~> This is to check if we are getting the selection object 
            '~~> You may comment this or remove it later.
            MsgBox rng.Text

            With rng
                '~~> Rest of the code
            End With
        End If
    End If

    Set rng = Nothing
    Set oWord = Nothing
    Set oMailEd = Nothing
    Set oMailItm = Nothing
    Set oMailItm = oInsp
End Sub