
I am using the NCSO.jar api for lotus notes. Now I can create the connection remotely to the domino server. I tried to download the documents created by the lotus notes such as the .odt documents. But it is not success. my code:

     database = session.getDatabase(host, "names.nsf", false);
     DocumentCollection documentCollection = database.getAllDocuments();

The returned result is always same and not included any .odt files. So is there another way to download the documents created by ibm notes? for example, I use lotus notes created a documents like a test.odt which is saved under the myDocuments folder. I want use an external application to download this file.

As we figured out in a chat this question is about how can I access IBM Lotus Symphony documents created in Notes client.Knut Herrmann
Is it "How can I.." or "How can other people..."? If it is "How can I...", then since the documents are stored in My Documents there's no need for an external application to go through Notes in order to get the documents.Richard Schwartz
The lotus notes is running on a server, I tried to write an external java program to access those documents created. Maybe, how can other people ... is more appropriate.Alvin

1 Answers


Surely the database.getAllDocuments() will return all Notes documents in the specified database - in this case names.nsf. This doesn't include external files created via Lotus Notes - so, I'd look at two options:

[1] Store the path of the file created in the Notes document and use this information from the field information in the NotesDocumentCollection returned, or

[2] Attach the file created to the Notes document in a RTF (Rich Text Field) - the attachment will then be returned in the NotesDocumentCollection and you can retrieve it/manipulate it by processing the RTF which contains it.

But remember, if you store only references to the file (name and path etc as in [1] above) then you'll have to store these on a network share - not your 'local' machine.

Hope this helps.