
I have a workbook with many named ranges to rename. I have a spreadsheet with the old names and the new names.

This works:

Dim strOldName As String
Dim strNewName As String            

strOldName = rngNamedRanges.Cells(1, 6).Value2
strNewName = strOldName & "_Renamed"

With ActiveWorkbook.Names(strOldName)
    .Name = strNewName
End With

This does not:

Dim strOldName As String
Dim strNewName As String            

strOldName = rngNamedRanges.Cells(1, 6).Value2
strNewName = CStr(rngNamedRanges.Cells(1, 8).Value2)

With ActiveWorkbook.Names(strOldName)
    .Name = strNewName
End With

Clearly, I'm doing something wrong assigning strNewName.

I have also tried using .text, .value, and trimming the string, all with the same non-result.

The non-working code does not produce an error. It just fails to change the name.

rngNamedRanges.Cells(1,6) refers to a cell containing straight text.
rngNamedRanges.Cells(1,8) refers to a cell containing a CONCATENATE formula which creates the new range name based on several other pieces of info contained in other columns.

What is in your rngNamedRanges variable? Where have you declared it?Dmitry Pavliv
Works for me (after filling in a few bits of missing code)Tim Williams
What is the value of rngNamedRanges.Cells(1, 8).Value2 Hope it is not the same as rngNamedRanges.Cells(1, 6).Value2?Siddharth Rout
@SiddharthRout: Quite funny if that's what's happening, really. :PNullDev
@BK201: The reason why I asked that is because like Tim, it works for me too... And if the user is not getting any error messages then the only possibility that comes to my mind is that they are same.Siddharth Rout

5 Answers


Renaming is always a pain. Try the following:

Sub Rename()

    StrOld = "MyRange1"
    StrNew = StrOld & "_Renamed"

    Range(StrOld).Name = StrNew
    With ThisWorkbook
    End With

End Sub

Looping is up to you. :) Let us know if this helps.


Thanks for the input, all! I still don't understand why the first example I gave worked and the second one did not. Nonetheless, the following code appears to be working. I apologize for poor formatting of the snippet.

Dim rngNamedRanges As Range
Dim strOldName As String
Dim strNewName As String
Dim strRefersTo As String

    Set rngNamedRanges = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Named Ranges").Range("A2:K909")

i = 1
Do Until [CONDITION] = ""
    strOldName = CStr(Trim(rngNamedRanges.Cells(i, 6).Value2))
    strNewName = CStr(Trim(rngNamedRanges.Cells(i, 8).Value2))

            strRefersTo = ActiveWorkbook.Names(strOldName).RefersTo

                'Update all the formulas to use the new name.
                For Each ws In Worksheets
                    If ws.Name <> "Named Ranges" Then
                        ws.Cells.Replace What:=strOldName, Replacement:=strNewName, LookAt _
                        :=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
                    End If

            'Delete old name and replace with the new one
            ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add strNewName, strRefersTo

        End If

    strOldName = ""
    strNewName = ""

    i = i + 1

This is a really simple way to rename a range name. I got this from Paul Kelly at Excel Macro Mastery. Works great.

Sub rename_a_range_name()

Dim NewName As Variant

ThisWorkbook.Names("CurrentName").Name = "NewName"

End Sub

I modified the above code to rename some NAMES. With regards to the code immediately above, to loop through the worksheets and find/replace each NAME in formulas (etc)... I found that I needed to remove the Sheet Reference that is in the beginning of the string for each NAME's name.

'Update all the formulas to use the new name.
    myStart = InStr(1, strOldName, "!", vbTextCompare) + 1
    myLength = Len(strOldName) - myStart + 1
    strOldNameSHORT = Mid(strOldName, myStart, myLength)

    myStart = InStr(1, strNewName, "!", vbTextCompare) + 1
    myLength = Len(strNewName) - myStart + 1
    strNewNameSHORT = Mid(strNewName, myStart, myLength)

For Each ws In Worksheets
    ws.Cells.Replace What:=strOldNameSHORT, Replacement:=strNewNameSHORT,
        LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, 
        SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False

Long story short

Putting the update into e.g. the worksheet change event is likely to work.

Root Cause

Update: UDFs called from cells are not allowed to change things on the sheet. (That's what I did)

Old: I guess there are certain calculation processing phases, where updates to names are allowed or not allowed.

More explanation and findings

I wanted to rename a range and it was sometimes ignored and sometimes I got an error 1004 (application- or object-defined error - in German: Anwendungs- oder objektdefinierter Fehler).

Let's say one has a rename function like this:

Function rename( nold As String, nnew As String ) As Boolean
  ThisWorkbook.Names(nold).Name = nnew
  rename = True
End Function

I found out the following:

  • if the update is triggered by some UDF (user-defined cell function) on some cell update it will be ignored in some cases and in other cases the 1004 error is raised
    • e.g. putting some =rename("oldName", "newName") into A1 where oldName exists
    • why and when it is ignored or the error is raised is unknown to me
  • if the update is triggered by some event, e.g. the Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) it will always be applied

Other side-effects

In finding out all this and debugging it, it may have caused that cells got locked automagically and thus also causing some 1004 error.