I am trying to understand multi tenancy. I appreciate if some one help me with link to a good case study of a real application using muti tenancy. Also wanted to ask if Iphone's Siri would be a multi tenant application to be given as a an example?. I am trying to write a paper here so any references which would help would be appreciated.
1 Answers
I recommend you to take a look at this article called What does Multi-Tenant Mean to You?
You can see the you could have multi-tenancy in three different contexts:
- IaaS: multiple OS instances can run on the same physical hardware through hypervisor technology. Examples: Digital Ocean, Amazon EC2,..
- PaaS: platform can isolate code from different apps on the same OS instance. This removes the need to allocate a whole VM per application stack component, improving efficiency. Examples: CloudBees, CloudFoundry,..
- SaaS: single runtime stack component instances are shared across multiple customers. Example: Salesforce, Totango,..
You can find here some use cases of companies using multi-tenancy on their applications on a specific PaaS.
I recommend you to test the different contexts to understand better what they mean. There are a lot information on Internet, starting with Wikipedia.