I have a form that is for data entry. I have a list box that has a list of all the products. I also have a second list box that has all the companies. I have a table for Customers, which has their name and an auto ID. I have a product list which also contains a name and an auto ID. I have a third table that lists what customers have which products.
1 Company1
2 Company2
3 Company3
1 Product1
2 Product2
3 Product3
1 1 2 years
1 2 3 years
2 3 2 years
So it means 1 is the company, 1 is the product and they have it for 2 years
Now, when I do the entry form I am trying to open a recordset for both tables and loop through it and then when it finds a match it will put the corresponding number in the corresponding text box. This is what I have
Private Sub Command15_Click()
Dim db As Database
Dim rst As Recordset 'Gets a variable ready to put a table into
Dim rst2 As Recordset 'Gets second variable ready to put a table into
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("customer") 'Sets variable rst to the contents of the customer table
Set rst2 = db.OpenRecordset("product") 'Sets variable rst2 to the contents of the product table
Do While Not rst.EOF 'Loop through the customer table until it gets to the end of the file
If rst!["customer_name"] = lstCustomerName Then 'If the contents of the field customer_name is equal to that of the company highlighted on the form
txtCustomerFX.Value = rst!["id"] 'Then make the value of the the CustomerFX box equal to the ID associated with that company
Do While Not rst2.EOF 'Loop through the product table until it gets to the end of the file
If rst2!["product_name"] = lstProductName Then 'If the contents of the field product_name is equal to that of the product highlighted on the form
txtProductFX.Value = rst2!["id"] 'Then make the value of the the ProductFX box equal to the ID associated with that product
End Sub
It doesn't seem to be putting the data into the text boxes though.
End If
. – enderland