I'm starting with CodeIgniter and after several hours diving in Google I'm a bit confused.
Let's try to explain my question with a easy example: I have a table 'car' with the fields 'name' and 'color'. Therefore I want to have a php class Car, so that my code could look finally like this:
$car = new Car('BMW', 'red'); //new $car Object
$car->save(); //this will make an SQL insert to the table 'car'
//Lets query all cars
$cars = Car::get_all();
//cars will be an array of Car objects, (not a set of rows!)
Therefore, I am looking for something pretty similar to what you have in RubyOnRails or Django (Python). I need to handle all kind of relationships, and to be able of write code in a true OOP+MVC way.
These are my failed approaches to get it:
Using an external ORM (DataMapper, Doctrine, AcidCrud...)
They either requires too many settings, or they handle relationships in a poor way.
Using CodeIgniter classes (to extend the CodeIgniter's Model class)
class Car extends Model{
public function Car($name='',$color='')
$this->name = $name;
$this->color = $color;
public function save()
$data = array(
'name' => $this->name ,
'color' => $this->color
$this->db->insert('cars' $data);
And so on... Problem with this approach is that if a do a var_dump() of a $car object, I see that it contains a lot of stuff from the CodeIgniter, such as the objects CI_Config, CI_Input, CI_Benchmark, etc. Therefore I think this is not a good solution, because each object of my class Car, it will contain a lot of repeated data, (it will have a poor performance!), isn't it?
Not using the CodeIgniter's models
I could make my models without extending them from CodeIgniter's Model class, and then using the regular PHP5 constructor (__construct() instead of function Car()), but problem in this case is: how I access to the $db object to make querys using the CodeIgniter's ActiveRecord? and, how I load the models (its classes) within the controllers?