I've built a form in MS Access 2010 using multiple subforms in a tabbed control. Some of the subforms contain a TextField with an OnClick Macro opening a PopUp Form. When clicking the "OK"-Button, it calculates a value using someFn(), gets the current Tab from the Main Form and writes the value into the TextField in the corresponding SubForm.
This is the Code for the "OK"-Button in the PopUp Form:
Private Sub btn_ok_Click()
Dim page As Integer
page = Forms![00_data].Form.tabbed.Value
Dim Val As Integer
Val = someFn 'returns some Value between -1 and 100
DoCmd.Close acForm, "10_my_popup_form", acSaveNo
If Val >= 0 Then '0-100 are valid
Select Case page
Case 0
Forms![00_main]![01_subform].Form.txt_field.Value = Val
Case 3
Forms![00_main]![04_subform].Form.txt_field.Value = Val 'Error 459
End Select
ElseIf Val = -1 Then '-1 is an error code, delete the Value
Select Case page
Case 0
Forms![00_main]![01_subform].Form.txt_field.Value = Null
Case 3
Forms![00_main]![04_subform].Form.txt_field.Value = Null 'Error 459
End Select
End If
End Sub
The Sub runs perfectly fine if I click the txt_field on 01_subform (Tab 0) but why does it throw an Error on 04_subform (Tab 3)?
EDIT: I've found this microsoft article that mentions the error but none of the problem-solving approaches could fix the problem: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2748410
As I've created 01_subform on 2014/01/26 and the update was installed on 2014/01/27 before I created 04_subform, this might really be the reason, but how do I fix it?