Here's my code.
#1st attmept
tc <- getURL(u, ssl.verifypeer=FALSE, .encoding="UTF-8")
tcc <- textConnection(tc, encoding="UTF-8")
readLines(tcc, encoding="UTF-8")
#2nd attmept
tc <- getURL(u, ssl.verifypeer=FALSE, .encoding="UTF-8")
tcc <- textConnection(tc, encoding="UTF-8")
read.csv(tcc, header=T, sep=",", fileEncoding="UTF-8")
read.csv(tcc, header=F, sep=",", fileEncoding="UTF-8")
I have a problem regarding "read.csv" from google doc 1st attempt is succesful but 2nd attempt is unsuccessful
read.csv(tcc, header=T, sep=",", fileEncoding="UTF-8")
Error in make.names(col.names, unique = TRUE) : invalid multibyte string at '<ed><83><80>?꾩뒪<ed>꺃<ed>봽'
read.csv(tcc, header=F, sep=",", fileEncoding="UTF-8")
Error in type.convert(data[[i]], =[i], dec = dec, na.strings = character(0L)) :
invalid multibyte string at '<82>?<90>'
I don't know why. I am using Windows Vista
R version 3.0.0 (2013-04-03) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
[1] LC_COLLATE=Korean_Korea.949 LC_CTYPE=Korean_Korea.949 LC_MONETARY=Korean_Korea.949 LC_NUMERIC=C
[5] LC_TIME=Korean_Korea.949
attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages: [1] RCurl_1.95-4.1 bitops_1.0-6
I guess it's about Encoding, but why readLines works but read.csv doesn't?
And is there a way to get around this problem?
I would be much better if I could use read.csv