
I've created child themes before using the same method, but for some reason with Bootstrap3 themes (I've tried multiple) I can't override the CSS. I'm currently using this Flatty theme.

I'm thinking maybe the trouble comes from the fact that there is a style.css in the parent but the styles I'm attempting to change are in a css folder in a file called main.css. I've tried duplicating this folder and file as well, but no luck. I've also tried just putting the classes I want to change in my child style.css.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Have you made any changes in the Customizer?user2329093
No, I haven't touched much of anything yet because the main things I need to tackle first are in the stylesheet.cliao

1 Answers


Your CSS file needs to load after Bootstrap's CSS file. That way, your styles with the same name as Bootstrap's styles will take precedence.