I'm trying to plot some monthly statistics that span over 2 years, where 1 year has only one month of data and the other has 11 months of data. Where I'm having trouble is in the legend label, when I am filling out the label it takes the one month of data from the first year and puts behind the next years labels, as if it is filling in that month. Here's what I mean:
legendms=['PIC2 -- HHN Jan 13', 'PIC2 -- HHN Feb 13', PIC2 -- HHN March 13', 'PIC2 -- HHN Apr 13', 'PIC2 -- HHN May 13', 'PIC2 -- HHN June 13', 'PIC2 -- HHN July 13', 'PIC2 -- HHN Aug 13', 'PIC2 -- HHN Sept 13', 'PIC2 -- HHN Oct 13', 'PIC2 -- HHN Nov 13', 'PIC2 -- HHN Dec 12']
Where 13 is the 2 digit representation for 2013, and 12 for 2012. It does this even though I am cycling through the years in order. I believe it is because legendms for year 2012 is essentially empty cells except for Dec, and so it's just filling in the space. It is also not following the appropriate line styles either. It labels Jan 13 a different line style '-' than the others when Dec 12 should be the different line style. Does anyone know a way around this, or how to ignore the empty cells while still retaining a full legend label?
Here's the code I have so far, perhaps I am just making a simple mistake? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
close all;
for ms=1:length(stats)
for i = 1:length(files)
for y = 1:length(files(i,1).year)
if (files(i,1).comp(1) == 'H')
xvals = files(i,1).allData{7}(1:114);
elseif (files(i,1).comp(1) == 'B')
xvals = files(i,1).allData{7}(1:95);
for m = 1:length(files(i,1).year(y).month)
%Set up generic month string
if ~isempty(files(i,1).year(y).month(m).(x{ms}))
monthString = {'Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'};
%Set up month string particular to this dataset
mString= monthString(1:length(files(i,1).year(y).month));
%Set up axis variable particular to this dataset
axisVar = [1 length(mString) -70 10];
LineColors={rgb('red') rgb('blue') rgb('green') rgb('indigo') rgb('cyan')
rgb('orange') rgb('HotPink') rgb('DarkGray') rgb('purple') rgb('BurlyWood')
rgb('yellow') rgb('Salmon')};
%Loop through stats to plot
semilogx(xvals,files(i,1).year(y).month(m).(x{ms}),LineStyles{y}, 'Color', LineColors{m},
hold on
%Set axis interval
axis([0.1, 172, -190, -80]);
%Set the axis label max, min, and interval for the Yaxis
set(gca,'YTick', [-190:10:-80])
%Label x and y axis and create cell for legend for each sta, loc, chan per
%file to use below. Make title for each plot
xlabel('Period (s)','FontSize',labelSize);
ylabel('Power (dB)','FontSize',labelSize);
legendms{m} = [legendms ' ' files(i,1).sta ' ' files(i,1).loc ' ' files(i,1).comp ' '
monthString{m} ' ' yString{y}(3:4)];
title([x{ms} ' ' 'Monthly Comparisons', ' ' num2str(files(i,1).allData{2}(1)) '/'
num2str(files(i,1).allData{3}(1)) '/' num2str(files(i,1).allData{1}(1)) '-'
num2str(files(i,1).allData{2}(end)) '/' num2str(files(i,1).allData{3}(end)) '/'
%Plot NLNM and NHNM models and label legend for each figure
hold off
legend([legendms, 'NLNM', 'NHNM'], 'Location', 'EastOutside')
To reiterate I would like the legend to ignore the empty cells for any of the years and plot the legend label in order from the years using the appropriate colors and station labels. 2012 values should be a solid line and 2013 values a dashed line, with whatever colors are representative of the month they describe (lineColors).
in order - are they correctly sorted? Bear in mind if you're usingdir
you must assume the list of files is unsorted since you get whatever order the system feels like giving you. – Notlikethatlegendms{m}
is probably part of it. I don't have time to look at it properly for a full answer, but what if you try just growinglegendms
in order, e.g.legendms{end+1} = ...
? (obviously create an emptylegendms = {};
beforehand) – Notlikethat