I'm getting a duplicate document when using the mongodb-native-driver to save an update to a document. My first call to save()
correctly creates the document and adds a _id with an ObjectID value. A second call creates a new document with a text _id of the original ObjectID. For example I end up with:
> db.people.find()
{ "firstname" : "Fred", "lastname" : "Flintstone", "_id" : ObjectId("52e55737ae49620000fd894e") }
{ "firstname" : "Fred", "lastname" : "Flintstone with a change", "_id" : "52e55737ae49620000fd894e" }
My first call correctly created Fred Flinstone. A second call that added " with a change" to the lastname, created a second document.
I'm using MongoDB 2.4.8 and mongo-native-driver 1.3.23.
Here is my NodeJS/Express endpoint:
app.post("/contacts", function (req, res) {
console.log("POST /contacts, req.body: " + JSON.stringify(req.body));
db.collection("people").save(req.body, function (err, inserted) {
if (err) {
throw err;
} else {
console.dir("Successfully inserted/updated: " + JSON.stringify(inserted));
Here is the runtime log messages:
POST /contacts, req.body: {"firstname":"Fred","lastname":"Flintstone"}
'Successfully inserted/updated: {"firstname":"Fred","lastname":"Flintstone","_id":"52e55737ae49620000fd894e"}'
POST /contacts, req.body: {"firstname":"Fred","lastname":"Flintstone with a change","_id":"52e55737ae49620000fd894e"}
'Successfully inserted/updated: 1'
Why doesn't my second update the existing record? Does the driver not cast the _id value to an ObjectID?