
I am trying to create a Microsoft word document without using any 3rd party libraries. What I am trying to do is :

  • Create a template document in Microsoft Word
  • Save it as an XML File
  • Read this XML file and populate the data in PHP

I am able to do it so far. I would like to export it as an *.docx format. However when I do that, it is throwing an exception, when I try to open it.

Error Message : File is corrupt and cannot be opened

However, when I save it as *.doc, I am able to open the word document.

Any idea, what could be wrong. Do I need to use any libraries to export it to an docx file ?



2 Answers


Docx is not backwards-compatible with doc. Docx is a zipped format: Docx Tag Info.

I would recommend you to create another template for the docx format, because the formats are so different.


Also, you might want to check that your code is writing the correct encoding. Before I put it in the correct encoding I was getting odd letters that weren't compatible when I converted it into a .docx format. To do this I implemented it in the inputstream:

InputStreamReader isr= new InputStreamReader(template.getInputStream(entry), "UTF-8");
BufferedReader fileContents = new BufferedReader(isr);

I used this with enumeration for the entry, but the "UTF-8" puts it in the right format and eliminates the odd characters. I was also getting "null" typed out at the end of some of the xml's, so I eliminated that by taking it out (I brought the contents of each file into a string so I could manipulate it anyway):

String ending = "null";
while(sb.indexOf(ending) != -1){
sb.delete(sb.indexOf(ending), (sb.indexOf(ending) + ending.length())); 

sb was the stringbuilder I put it into. This problem may have been solved with the UTF-8, but I fixed it before I implemented the encoding, so figured I'd include it in case it ends up being a problem. I hope this helps.