I have read in and formatted my data set like shown under.
#Read data from file
x <- read.csv("data.dat", header=F)
x[is.na(x)] <- c(0) #If empty fill in zero
#Construct data frames
rawdata.h <- data.frame(x[,2],x[,3],x[,4],x[,5],x[,6],x[,7],x[,8]) #Hourly data
rawdata.15min <- data.frame(x[,10]) #15 min data
#Convert time index to proper format
index.h <- as.POSIXct(strptime(x[,1], "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"))
index.15min <- as.POSIXct(strptime(x[,9], "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"))
#Set column names
names(rawdata.h) <- c("spot","RKup", "RKdown","RKcon","anm", "pp.stat","prod.h")
names(rawdata.15min) <- c("prod.15min")
#Convert data frames to time series objects
data.htemp <- xts(rawdata.h,order.by=index.h)
data.15mintemp <- xts(rawdata.15min,order.by=index.15min)
#Select desired subset period
data.h <- data.htemp["2013"]
data.15min <- data.15mintemp["2013"]
I want to be able to combine hourly data from data.h$prod.h
with data, with 15 min resolution, from data.15min$prod.15min
corresponding to the same hour.
An example would be to take the average of the hourly value at time 2013-12-01 00:00-01:00 with the last 15 minute value in that same hour, i.e. the 15 minute value from time 2013-12-01 00:45-01:00. I'm looking for a flexible way to do this with an arbitrary hour.
Any suggestions?
Edit: Just to clarify further: I want to do something like this:
N <- NROW(data.h$prod.h)
for (i in 1:N){
prod.average[i] <- mean(data.h$prod.h[i] + #INSERT CODE THAT FINDS LAST 15 MIN IN HOUR i )
. maybe this helps. If not, then making your data reproducible would go a long way towards getting Answers. – GSeeto.period
pretty much does the same as my solution (see last EDIT). – tfunk