
i am trying to validate my form fields calling the input text ids, but jquery is not validating it. here is what i have:

email2: {// compound rule required: true, email: true

if i change name="email2" it works fine, but i want name="email[]" as i have an array of email that i am getting from user. so then, i gave my input text and id for jquery to validate but it doesnt validate, any ideas?

This makes no sense as is. Please post more code (preferably all of it) so we have some idea of what is happening, then you may get some helpful answers.Mark Bell
i think the rules are made to be keyed in as name not id, per the response below. thanks anyways.NULL

1 Answers


The rules are meant to be keyed by name, not id.

Something like this might work for you...

    rules: {
        "email[]" : { /* compound rule */ }