I'm having trouble with Columns in NSTableview. I want to add an item to a specific column in an instance of NSTableView. (Note that data is a pointer to an instance of NSMutableArray, which is a property of AppDelegate, which is the dataSource)
[self.data addObject:@""];
[self tableView:_tableView setObjectValue:@"Hello World" forTableColumn: self.column row:0];
[self.tableView reloadData];
A tutorial I went through showed me how to edit a single-column NSTableView. However, using the same implementation of the NSTableViewDataSource methods causes tableView to populate both columns. The pertinent implementation from the tutorial:
-(void)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView
forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn
[self.data replaceObjectAtIndex:row withObject:object];
I reason part of the issue is that the above method doesn't do anything with the tableColumn parameter, but I'm still learning and have no idea how to proceed. (It's especially hard to find help because many modern tutorials involve view-based NSTableViews, and well I know that is best practice, I don't want to run away from this.) I hope my explanation was clear enough, and any help would be much appreciated.