planning to launch a comic site which serves comic strips (images). I have little prior experience to serving/caching images.
so these are my 2 methods i'm considering:
1. Using LinkProperty
class Comic(db.Model)
image_link = db.LinkProperty()
timestamp = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
Advantages: The images are get-ed from the disk space itself ( and disk space is cheap i take it?) I can easily set up app.yaml with an expiration date to cache the content in user's browser I can set up memcache to retrieve the entities faster (for high traffic)
2. Using BlobProperty
I used this tutorial , it worked pretty neat.
Side question: Can I say that using BlobProperty sort of "protects" my images from outside linkage? That means people can't just link directly to the comic strips
I have a few worries for method 2.
- I can obviously memcache these entities for faster reads.
But then:
Is memcaching images a good thing? My images are large (100-200kb per image). I think memcache allows only up to 4 GB of cached data? Or is it 1 Mb per memcached entity, with unlimited entities...
What if appengine's memcache fails? -> Solution: I'd have to go back to the datastore.
How do I cache these images in the user's browser? If I was doing method no. 1, I could just easily add to my app.yaml the expiration date for the content, and pictures get cached user side.
would like to hear your thoughts. Should I use method 1 or 2? method 1 sounds dead simple and straightforward, should I be wary of it?
[EDITED] How do solve this dilemma?
Dilemma: The last thing I want to do is to prevent people from getting the direct link to the image and putting it up on because the user will automatically get directed to only the image on my server ( and not the advertising/content around it if the user had accessed it from the main page itself )