So we are trying to use Yodlee's IAV matching service to verify that a user has an account with a bank.
We have successfully logged into Yodlee with our cobrand credentials and created a user, and asked for the users routing number and account number. After we have those we have made a call getting the loginForm.
Here is where we are stuck, sometimes we can login (ask the user for their bank login and password) and bingo we get back their account info. Other times we get nothing.
Is anyone using their REST IAV API? If so what is your flow? (attached below is our current endpoint flow)
- coblogin
- login/register3
- getContentServiceInfoByRoutingNumber
- getLoginFormForContentService (we get hung up here)
- getMFAResponse
- putMFARequest
- startVerificationWithMFA1 (Haven't gotten this to work because we don't know how to get verifiableAccount.verifiableTargetAccount.targetAccountId)
If anyone can tell us what we are missing or what calls we need to do instead that would be super great.