We run a nightly query against BigQuery via the Java REST API that specifies a destination table for the results to be pushed to (write disposition=WRITE_TRUNCATE). Today's query appeared to run without errors but the results were not pushed to the destination table.
This query has been running for a few weeks now and we've had no issues. No code changes were made either.
Manually running it a second time after it "failed" worked fine. It was just this one glitch that we spotted and we're concerned it may happen again.
Our logged JSON response from the "failed" query looks fine (I've obfuscated any sensitive data):
INFO: Job finished successfully: {
"configuration" : {
"dryRun" : false,
"query" : {
"createDisposition" : "CREATE_IF_NEEDED",
"destinationTable" : {
"datasetId" : "[REMOVED]",
"projectId" : "[REMOVED]",
"tableId" : "[REMOVED]"
"priority" : "INTERACTIVE",
"query" : "[REMOVED]",
"writeDisposition" : "WRITE_TRUNCATE"
"etag" : "[REMOVED]",
"id" : "[REMOVED]",
"jobReference" : {
"jobId" : "[REMOVED]",
"projectId" : "[REMOVED]"
"kind" : "bigquery#job",
"selfLink" : "[REMOVED]",
"statistics" : {
"creationTime" : "1390435780070",
"endTime" : "1390435780769",
"query" : {
"cacheHit" : false,
"totalBytesProcessed" : "12546"
"startTime" : "1390435780245",
"totalBytesProcessed" : "12546"
"status" : {
"state" : "DONE"
Using the "try it!" for Jobs/GET here and plugging in the job id also shows the job was indeed successful and matches our logged output (pasted above).
Checking the web console shows the destination table has been truncated but not updated. Weirdly, the "Last Modified" has not been updated (I did try refreshing the page numerous times):
Has anyone experienced this before with BigQuery - a query appearing to run successfully but if a destination/reference table was specified the results were not pushed yet the table was truncated?