
I want to recursively write a class to Json, so I'm using the following implicit writes:

implicit val writesObject : Writes[Object] = (
  (__ \ "id").writeNullable[String] ~
  (__ \ "list").lazyWriteNullable(Writes.traversableWrites[Object](writesObject))

where Object is a class like this:

case class Object(id: Option[String], list: Option[Seq[Object]])

It works, however I would like to prevent it from printing anything if "list" is empty. For example:

I want:

{ id: "someID",
  list: [
            id: "someOtherId"            

I currently get(but don't want):

{ id: "someID",
  list: [
            id: "someOtherId"            
            list: []

How can I achieve this? I'm new to Play/Scala and not sure exactly what should I be looking at so any pointers would be helpful. I'm using Scala 2.2.1.

PS: I've checked Scala Json Combinators but didn't see any reference on how to get this done.


So my issue is not that list is null, but that list is empty. That's why lazyWriteNullable wasn't working.

Testing johanandren answer I came up with the following extension to JsPath that returns Option[T] and supports the lazy format for recursive writes:

def lazyWriteNullableIterable[T <: Iterable[_]](w: => Writes[T]): OWrites[Option[T]] = OWrites((t: Option[T]) => {
  if(t != null) {
    t.getOrElse(Seq.empty).size match {
      case 0 => Json.obj()
      case _ => Writes.nullable[T](path)(w).writes(t)
  else {



1 Answers


You can create a custom OFormat that will do this. By implicitly decorating JsPath with it you can include it in your json combinator definitions:

implicit class PathAdditions(path: JsPath) {

  def readNullableIterable[A <: Iterable[_]](implicit reads: Reads[A]): Reads[A] =
    Reads((json: JsValue) => path.applyTillLast(json).fold(
      error => error,
      result => result.fold(
        invalid = (_) => reads.reads(JsArray()),
        valid = {
          case JsNull => reads.reads(JsArray())
          case js => reads.reads(js).repath(path)

  def writeNullableIterable[A <: Iterable[_]](implicit writes: Writes[A]): OWrites[A] =
    OWrites[A]{ (a: A) =>
      if (a.isEmpty) Json.obj()
      else JsPath.createObj(path -> writes.writes(a))

  /** When writing it ignores the property when the collection is empty,
    * when reading undefined and empty jsarray becomes an empty collection */
  def formatNullableIterable[A <: Iterable[_]](implicit format: Format[A]): OFormat[A] =
    OFormat[A](r = readNullableIterable(format), w = writeNullableIterable(format))


This would allow you to create formats/reads/writes using the json combinator syntax like this:

case class Something(as: List[String], v: String)

import somewhere.PathAdditions    
val reads: Reads[Something] = (
  (__ \ "possiblyMissing").readNullableIterable[List[String]] and
  (__ \ "somethingElse").read[String]

val writes: Writes[Something] = (
  (__ \ "possiblyMissing").writeNullableIterable[List[String]] and
  (__ \ "somethingElse").write[String]

val format: Format[Something] = (
  (__ \ "possiblyMissing").formatNullableIterable[List[String]] and
  (__ \ "somethingElse").format[String]
)(Something, unlift(Something.unapply))