
It seem simple but I cannot find a way to define a range that goes up to the end of the column in an Excel formula.

For instance I can use this equation SUM(C:C) to sum all number found on the column C. However, given that the top of the page has titles and column headers, I would like to start my range at line 6. I thought SUM(C6:C) would do it but it does not work in Excel.

This is required so my SUM is always right no matter how many lines of data I add to my document in the future.


If all that is above the C6 is text anyways, text will not be summed with the rest of the column as the values need to be numeric.user2140261
The thing is that I cannot guaranty what will be the content above because the file may be used by different people and even I may forget over time that I cannot put numbers above.jmbouffard

5 Answers


Sum everything then remove the sum of the values in the cells you don't want, no Volatile Offset's, Indirect's, or Array's needed.

Just for fun if you don't like that method you could also use:


The above formula will Sum only from C6 through the last cell in C:C where a match of a number is found. This is also non-volatile, but I believe more costly and sloppy. Just added it in case you'd prefer this anyways.

If you would like to do function like CountA for text using the last text value in a column you could use.


you could also use other combinations like:




The above would do what you ask in Excel 2003 and lower




Would both work for Excel 2007+

All above functions would simply ignore all the blank values under the last value.


You all seem to love complication. Just click on column(to select entire column), press and hold CTRL and click on cells that you want to exclude(C1 to C5 in you case). Now you have selected entire column C (right to the end of sheet) without starting cells. All you have to do now is to rightclick and "Define Name" for your selection(ex. asdf ). In formula you use SUM(asdf). And now you're done. Good luck

Allways find the easyest way ;)


This seems like the easiest (but not most robust) way to me. Simply compute the sum from row 6 to the maximum allowed row number, as specified by Excel. According to this site, the maximum is currently 1048576, so the following should work for you:


For more robust solutions, see the other answers.


If you don't mind using OFFSET(), which is a volatile function that recalculates everytime a cell is changed, then this is a good solution that is both dynamic and reusable:

=OFFSET($COL:$COL, ROW(), 1, 1048576 - ROW(), 1)

where $COL is the letter of the column you are going to operate upon, and ROW() is the row function that dynamically selects the same row as the cell containing this formula. You could also replace the ROW() function with a static number ($ROW).

=OFFSET($COL:$COL, $ROW, 1, 1048576 - $ROW, 1)

You could further clean up the formula by defining a named constant for the 1048576 as 'maxRows'. This can be done in the 'Define Name' menu of the Formulas tab.

=OFFSET($COL:$COL, $ROW, 1, maxRows - $ROW, 1)

A quick example: to Sum from C6 to the end of column C, you could do:

=SUM(OFFSET(C:C, 6, 1, maxRows - 6, 1))

or =SUM(OFFSET(C:C, ROW(), 1, maxRows - ROW(),1))


Something like this worked for me (references columns C and D from the row 8 till the end of the columns, in Excel 2013 if relevant):