
I am creating a customized music player using soundmanager2 like here.

I want to add waveform to my music players as like soundcloud.com does already I tried using:

  1. http://wavesurfer-js.org/
  2. http://waveformjs.org/

But unfortunately I can't :(

Soundcloud is creating image for all the music files but i want it on the fly.

"but unforchantly i cant" Why? have you made any attempt at this your self, do you have any code to show us?Simon McLoughlin
ya simplay i want to mearge soundmanager2 pageplayer.js and waveform.js but its wants image of waveformRavi Sen

1 Answers


If you are using the SoundCloud api then each song has a waveform_url property which is a link to the image of the waveform.
